
知识百科2024-05-23 21:01:01
导读 【 铭牌用英文怎么说 】1、rating plate 铭牌 name plate 铭牌 Name plate rating plate is generally riveted to NP brac

1、rating plate 铭牌 name plate 铭牌 Name plate/ rating plate is generally riveted to NP bracket 铭牌通常铆接在铭牌托架上。 e.g. For a Motor, Rating plate includes information such as the oil grade, oil viscosity and the amount of oil requi...

2、plaque, 例句: 但没有铭牌或雕塑;没有以奥巴马名字命名的纪念馆、奖学金或是讲座教授。 But there are no plaques or statues; there is no museum, scholarship or academic chair in his name


4、rating plate


